Direct mail is a form of direct marketing that involves sending physical promotional materials to a targeted audience. Over the years it has been proven to be an effective marketing strategy that can not only help businesses to engage with their customers, but it can also play a key role in driving sales. 

The Basics of Direct Mail

Direct mail includes products such as postcards, letters, brochures or flyers. Sending direct mail allows businesses to reach out to potential customers and engage with them directly. This form of marketing campaign is often used to promote products or services, generate leads or drive sales.

One of the key advantages of direct mail over other marketing tactics is that it allows businesses to target their audience more effectively. By using a mailing list that is segmented by demographics, interests, or behaviours, businesses can tailor their message to the specific needs and interests of their audience. This, in turn, can help to increase engagement and response rates. Often businesses will have a mailing list of previous customers, or geographic areas in which their target audience can be found, which allows these campaigns to be highly targeted.

Direct Mail vs Digital Marketing

Direct mail and digital marketing are two different marketing strategies that can be used to promote products or services. While digital marketing involves using online channels such as email, social media, or search engines to reach out to potential customers, direct mail is the physical side of marketing promotion, occurring wholly offline.

One of the advantages of direct mail over digital marketing is that it can be more memorable and engaging. Physical mailers can be designed to be creative and unique, which can help to capture the attention of the recipient.

However, that’s not to say that direct mail and digital marketing can’t be used together in the same marketing strategy to capture your audience no matter where they are – online or offline!

Tips to Design An Effective Mailer

The first and (one of the) most important aspects of a successful direct mail campaign is designing the right promotional material.. A well-designed mailer can help to capture the attention of the recipient and convey the message effectively. And, a poorly designed mailer can potentially have a negative impact for your brand! 

Here are a few tips for designing an effective mailer:

  • Keep it simple and easy to read: Use clear and concise language, and avoid cluttering the mailer with too much information.
  • Use eye-catching visuals: Use high-quality images or graphics that are relevant to the message and help to capture the attention of the recipient.
  • Make it personal: Use the recipient’s name and address, and tailor the message to their interests or needs.
  • Include a call to action: Encourage the recipient to take action, such as visiting a website, calling a phone number, or making a purchase.


Executing a Direct Mail Campaign

When it comes to executing a direct mail campaign, there are a number of important steps to follow to make sure that you get the highest return for your investment. Here are some key factors to consider:

Build a Targeted Mailing List

The first step in executing a successful direct mail campaign is to build a targeted mailing list. This involves identifying your target audience and gathering their contact information. You can use a variety of methods to build your list, such as purchasing a list from a direct mail service, collecting customer data from your website or in-store purchases, or using social media to gather contact information from interested prospects.

It’s important to make sure that your mailing list is up-to-date and accurate, as sending direct mail to outdated or incorrect addresses can result in wasted resources and a low response rate. Remember, the more specific & targeted your mailing list can be, the more revenue you can generate in return.

Craft a Compelling Call to Action

Your direct mail piece should have a clear and compelling call to action (CTA) that encourages the recipient to engage with your brand. This could be a special offer, a discount code, or an invitation to visit your website or store.

Make sure your CTA is prominently displayed and easy to understand. Use bold or italic text to draw attention to it, and consider including a deadline or time-limited offer to create a sense of urgency.

Choosing the right CTA is important also. You need to make sure your CTA is closely paired with your overall messaging – avoid using terms like ‘Shop today’ or ‘Buy now’ unless you are also providing a reason to buy in the content & messaging of your mailer.

If you regularly send out direct mail campaigns you can test various CTAs, monitor the response rates, and tailor your campaigns for more success over time.

Remember to Measure your Success and ROI

To determine the success of your direct mail campaign and your return of investment you need to measure response rates, leads generated and overall revenue driven by the campaign. Make sure that you keep track of the cost of printing, mailing, and postage, as well as any fees associated with using a direct mail service.

Track the number of responses you receive and calculate your conversion rate and average response rate. Use this data to adjust your strategy for future campaigns and to determine the overall effectiveness of your direct mail efforts.

Remember to follow up with customers who respond to your direct mail piece, whether by phone, email, or in-person. This can help to build a relationship with your customers and increase the likelihood of future sales.


If you need support maximising your revenue & return on investment for your next direct mail campaign, speak to the Smart Inc team today. With almost 20 years experience working with businesses across the UK we know exactly what your business needs to boost your marketing success. 

Contact us on or 01992 410 960 today.